Thank You for Your Support.

Photography is a


If you’re interested in helping further the mission of preserving, sharing, and offering education centered on the art of photography, get involved. Join the dedicated team of sponsors, donors, members, staff, and volunteers who keep IPHF running year after year.

Click below to donate or send checks to:

International Photography Hall of Fame
1315 N. Highway Dr., Suite 18
Fenton, MO 63099


Hall of Fame Inductee: ©Gordon Parks

More Ways To Donate.

General Donation
Planned Giving

Ensure the financial future of the IPHF through a general donation, or by remembering the organization in your will and estate planning. If you are interested in leaving the IPHF a charitable bequest, the language in your will should contain the following:

I/We give to the Photographic Art and Science Foundation (EIN 36-6142675), a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation, the following money or asset (describe here) to benefit their charitable purpose. Please consult your estate planner or attorney when planning your charitable bequest.Thank you for considering a donation to the International Photography Hall of Fame. You may donate online using the link below, or, if you're interested, scroll down to explore membership options.

Jack Curran
Tribute & Education Fund

In honor of the late photographer Jack Curran, his family has set up a tribute fund in which IPHF is listed as a recipient. Funds received will be used to enhance operations and virtual education at IPHF.

Jack, who was an instructor for IPHF's virtual classes and friend to all, passed away Thursday, September 25th, 2020.

If you have ever been touched, inspired, or encouraged by Curran, his photography, his classes, his person we encourage you to donate to and/or share the tribute.


Want to talk about donations?

If you would like to speak to someone about the donation or membership process, fill out the form and we will be in contact.